Detailed instructions for registering an online apartment owners association in Kolkata


An Apartment Owners Association (AOA) is necessary for the effective operation of every community or apartment building.

Apartment owners create an association because no single apartment owner can control everything that occurs in a community.

Apartment Owners Associations are made up of core members who collaborate for the welfare of society and its citizens.

They are in charge of everything, including solving resident issues and assuring maintenance and safety.

What exactly does an Apartment Owners Association do?

The voluntary organisation known as the Apartment Owners Association (AOA) was founded by the apartment’s owners.

The association is in charge of offering services including maintaining amenities and enforcing rules. By starting events, it contributes to the residents’ welfare as well. The association may be register.

What is necessary to establish an Apartment Owners Association?

Important points to keep in mind while you establish the association:

  • A minimum of seven members are needed for the association to be formed. Apartment owners make up this association, along with a general body, an associate member, and a management committee made up of a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
  • By-laws that are utilised to run society
  • Make a memo that includes the society’s name, its goals, the residents’ names, and their occupations.
  • The memorandum and bylaws must be printed and properly signed by the members. It should pay a little registration cost and be lodged with the society’s register.
  • A registered association is entitled to all legal advantages. A registered association has a number of benefits, including:
  • If the association is registered, residents who break apartment rules—such as failing to pay maintenance fees on time, partying until the late hours, or using their homes for businesses—can be disciplined.
  • It is possible to address complaints about security, maintenance, new needs, etc. Additionally, the registered association may promote and launch civic initiatives, neighbourhood events, and fundraising campaigns.
  • The association is in charge of enforcing legislation to ensure the safety of residents. The maintenance of order and discipline throughout society follows from this. For instance, limiting visitation to the apartments because of the epidemic.
  • In order to preserve openness and efficient operation, it is crucial to keep track of the specifics of shared facilities and ownership structures. The information is included in the Deed of Declaration for potential legal uses in the future.
  • For a registered association, paying taxes—such as real estate taxes, applicable GST, and other taxes—becomes simple.
  • A registered association can create a bank account and conduct financial operations with ease.

What does the By law contain?

The following may contain in the bylaw:

  • The society’s goals and objectives
  • The requirements for residents to abide by the laws and regulations
  • Information about managing income and expenses
  • Information about maintenance charges, fines, transfer fees, etc.
  • Information on the once every six months apartment general meeting
  • information about choosing an office-holder and association member. A list of the office holders who have the authority to handle financial transactions and issue checks is also included.
  • Information about the association’s goals for assisting inhabitants and preserving harmony among them.

How to apply Online Apartment Owners Association in Kolkata?

The First Step is to visit the Official Website of West Bengal E-District 

Login to the Application

The user must use a web browser, enter the URL : eDistrict in the address box, and click Enter to log in to the West Bengal E-District Application. The following describes the West Bengal e-District Application login page:

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For users of the West Bengal eDistrict application process, a “Welcome” message is displayed on the login screen.

Administrator/Kiosk Users and Other Users both have login options. English or Bengali can be chosen from a drop-down menu by the user. Username and password must be entered, and the captcha must be typed exactly as it appears on the screen. To access the app’s main page, click Login.

If the applicant is using the system for the first time, they must click on Citizen Registration. To reset their password, click Forgot Password if they can’t remember it.

In order to submit an application for Registration of Apartment Owner Association, the citizen, CSC, or kiosk operator must log in to the system.

Home Page

The Home page comes after logging into West Bengal eDistrict. Under the Department and District column, a full list of services is displayed. Total Count shows the total number of applications received for all services up to the most recent update.

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Apply to Services

To get a list of the services offered by the module, click on “Housing.” A suitable service must be chosen by the user.

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Submit an application to register with an Apartment Awner Association.

The user must choose the appropriate choice under services supplied under Housing and then choose the certificate name in order to submit an application for registration of an apartment owner association. The Home screen, which is where the user is taken, provides the following fundamental instructions for the user:

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The image above depicts the two action buttons that are available to an application. These are the Apply and Print buttons.

Print Button: By clicking the button, the user may print the information that is included on the Home page.

Apply Button: The user must click the Apply button to continue with the online application procedure. The screen that follows appears.

Applicant’s Basic Information

An applicant must submit the fundamental information about himself/herself as indicated above.

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An applicant is given three buttons, as indicated in the image below. The purpose of these buttons is outlined further below.

Applicant’s Postal Address

In the box below, the applicant must input their postal address exactly as it is depicted in the image.

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Reset Button: Enables the user to successfully clear the form.

Cancel: After giving the applicant a warning notice, it closes the most recent application form.

Save & Next: This option enables the applicant to continue working on the application.

The applicant is then forwarded to the following screen containing pertinent data, as illustrated below:

Address Of the Housing Estate of a building

The applicant may indicate the similarity of the addresses by selecting “Same as previous address.”

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In this case, the system populates the data that was previously entered. In any other case, the applicant should indicate their updated current address.
Address fields to note are:

Country: This drop-down field is required. The Country field is automatically set to India because the registered office address for the association should always be in that country.

State: This drop-down field is required. The State field is automatically set to West Bengal because the association’s registered office address must always be there.

District: This drop-down field is required. From the drop-down list, the applicant must choose the district.

Sub-division: This drop-down field has a conditional requirement. According to the district chosen, the list is displayed. The sub-division must be chosen by the applicant from the list.

Rural or Urban: This drop-down field is required. In the list for the current address, the applicant must choose either rural or urban.

Block/ Municipality/ Corporation: This drop-down field has a conditional requirement. For the current address, the applicant must choose a block, municipality, or company from the list. If the applicant chose “Rural” for the previous field, just “Block” will be displayed; however, if the applicant chose “Urban,” “Municipality / Corporation” will be displayed.

Block/ Municipality/ Corporation Name: This field has a conditional requirement. According to the selected sub-division, the list shows the names of each block, municipality, and corporation. The candidate must choose the right name from the list.

Village or Ward: This text box field is not required. The name of the village or ward must be manually entered by the applicant in this text box.

Police Station: This text box field is not required. The name of the Police Station must be manually entered by the applicant in this text box.

Post Office: This text box field is not required. The name of the Post Office must be manually entered by the applicant in this text area.

Enter Address Line1: This text box field must be filled out. The address line 1 must be manually entered by the applicant into this text area.

Enter Address Line2: This text box field is not required. If necessary, the applicant must manually fill Address Line 2.

Pin Code: This field must include a number. The 6-digit pin code must be manually entered by the applicant in this section.

The applicant must scroll down and fill out the following information under the “Description Of Property” section:

Description Of Property and Area and Description of the building and buildings

The applicant must include the property’s description, its area, and a description of each building. To add a row, the applicant must click the ADD button. To delete or change a specific row, the applicant must click on the DELETE and EDIT buttons.

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Areas and description of common areas and facilities

The applicant must include the property’s description, its area, and a description of each building. To add a row, the applicant must click the ADD button. To delete or change a specific row, the applicant must click on the DELETE and EDIT buttons.

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Description of common areas and facilities in respect to each building

The applicant must give a description of the facilities and common areas in each building. To add a row, the applicant must click the ADD button. To delete or change a specific row, the applicant must click on the DELETE and EDIT buttons.

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Description of each apartment of each building

For the benefit of the audiences, a brief usage of the different action buttons made available to the applicant is described here, along with the action that followed.

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Reset: Allows the user to successfully clear the form.

Save Draft: This option allows the user to save the application in Draft mode. The functionality allows the user to store a portion of the application and resume from the same point at a later time.

Save & Next: This option allows the user to save the data and continue with the Online application procedure.

Terms and Conditions: The applicant can view the service’s terms and conditions.

To proceed, the applicant must confirm the accuracy of the information provided by checking the box ‘I hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief’ and then click Save & Next.

The user has the following options after the programme is saved by the system:

Attach supporting documents: This feature enables the user to upload any documents needed to bolster their application.

Edit Basic Information: This feature enables applicants to change the Basic information they previously submitted as part of the application process.

Edit Application: Enables user modification of the application.

Print: Enables printing of the application by the user

Cancel: Permits the Operation to be cancelled

In order to upload the required documents, the applicant must click the “Attach Supporting Documents” button as indicated below:

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The (*) asterisk icon indicates which papers are required. The user must upload all necessary paperwork. The following example shows how the programme monitors the upload of required documents and alerts the user if they forget to do so:

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The user must click Save & Next as indicated to continue after uploading all required papers, and the following screen will then appear:

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The following action buttons are provided by the applicant:

Editing supporting documents: Provides the user with the ability to make changes to documents that have previously been uploaded.

Editing the Basic Information: This option enables the applicant to change the Basic Information that was previously submitted as part of the application procedure.

Edit Application: Permits user-made modifications to the application.
Allows the user to print the application.

Cancel: Allows the operation to be cancelled.

Submit: Enables the user to submit the finished application

Submitting the Application

Clicking the Submit button will finish the application for the user. When the application is registered, the system shows the acknowledgement as shown below:

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The user is informed of the AIN number through the application acknowledgement. For additional interactions with the e-District application, the system generates a 16-digit unique number called an AIN number for each application.

For the advantage of the audiences, a brief utilisation of the numerous action buttons made available to the applicant and their ensuing action is provided here.

Print: Enables the user to successfully take a hard copy of the application form.

Finish: Enables the user to finish the online application procedure already underway. The user is taken to the Home screen after hitting the “Finish” button so they can access other services if needed.

Payment by Applicant

The applicant is informed when their application is approved for payment. In this scenario, the applicant (citizen/CSC/kiosk operator) must re-login to the system by typing into the address bar of a web browser and providing the proper user id and password. The following is how the Home Page looks. The applicant must select “Payment Pending Application” to finish the payment process.

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The page that opens is labelled “List of Payment-Pending Applications.” To access the list of payment pending applications for that service, the applicant must first pick the Department/District, service, name, and date range.

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In order to use the service, the user must choose the appropriate application from the list of payment-pending applications and click the button in the “Action” column.
The “Payment Page” that opens after selecting “Action” for a particular application looks like this. This page includes the applicant’s name, remarks, and the application’s AIN.

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The applicant has two options for making the payment: online (Payment Gateway) and offline. To choose the proper payment method, the applicant must click the corresponding radio button.

The applicant may use cash to pay the sum if he chooses the “Offline Payment” mode. To receive permission for registration, the applicant must attach a scanned copy of the receipt. The applicant must select a file and click the “Upload” button in order to upload the offline payment receipt.

The following is the notice that states “Payment Receipt Uploaded Successfully.” The applicant must press the “Submit” button in order to send the offline payment.

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Getting the Registration of Apartment Owner Association Certificate

The applicant (Citizen/CSC/Kiosk Operator) must connect to the system once more by putting the URL into the address bar of a web browser and providing the proper “user id” and “password” This is necessary in order to get the Registration of Apartment Owner Association Certificate. As shown below, the Home Page. The applicant will need to click “Approved Application” in order to obtain the certificate.

Approved Application

The applicant must choose the service name from the list box labelled “Please Select Service Name” on the “List of Approved Applications” page that appears as shown below.

Selecting the Service Name for List of Approved Applications

The list of applications that have been authorised for the service will be presented as follows once the applicant selects New National Supervisor Certificate as the service name and clicks on the ‘Search’ button:

List of Approved Applications

To obtain the certificate for “Application for New National Supervisor Certificate,” the user must click on the “Certificate” icon for that application.


The maintenance of a society is greatly influenced by an apartment owners association (AOA). In addition to resolving conflicts and serving citizens’ interests, it offers them valuable services. Apartment owners associations also have a number of powers under the Society Registration Act of 1960.

If you live in an apartment and want to join the apartment owners association, you can do so by submitting an application. In case of questions or disagreements, you can also get in touch with the apartment owners association.

Before purchasing any property, read the following article: What are the requirements for the 5 Types of Searching from the Best Property Verification Lawyer in Kolkata?

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