Procedure for Registering Association of Apartment Owners: Form A Hard Copy Submission

Registering Association of Apartment Owners

Submission of Hard Copy of Form A

For Registering Association of Apartment Owners


Whom and where to submit Form A

To submit the hard copy of Form A to complete the procedure for Registering Association of apartment owners under the West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act, 1972, it must be delivered to the Competent Authority. This authority is located at the Housing Department, Law and Statutory Cell on the 1st Floor of ‘A’ Block in the New Secretariat Buildings at 1, Kiran Shankar Roy Road, Kolkata, 700 001.

Required documents and papers to be submitted with Form A

1) Forwarding letter addressed to the Competent Authority under the West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act, 1972 stating the AIN No. of the application and the date of approval of the application in the system. (Download the Format)

2) Index i.e. list of documents submitted with the Form A. (Download the Format)

3) Declaration in Form A (2 sets in original) executed and solemnly affirmed before a Magistrate or a Notary in a Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 10 (ten) along with the documents as annexure A to E. A format of Form A is enclosed herewith. (Download the Format)

Annexure A- Authenticated copies of building plan duly notarized;
Annexure B– Authenticated copies of site plan duly notarized;
Annexure C– Copy of relevant completion certificate duly notarized;
Annexure D– Self Attested Copies of Voter card/Pan Card of all the declarants submitting the Form A;
Annexure E– Copies of the receipt of the letter in Form-E served to all the apartment owners by email or post. (Download the Format)

4) Power of Attorney as per the statutory format with Photographs, where necessary of all the Apartment Owners. (Download the Format)

5) Recipt of Payment.

Disposal of Form A

If after examination of the Form A it is found that the property concerned comes within the purview of the West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act, 1972 and the declaration is in order the Competent Authority will accept the Form A by making an endorsement of such acceptance on the body of Form A along with a an order of acceptance in writing and return one set of Form A duly endorsed as “Accepted” on the body of the Form A with an order of acceptance letter to. the Declarants). Other set of Form A will be retained by the Competent Authority after accepting it for office record.

Important Article: Formation of Apartment Owners Association: Best Detailed Procedures

Important Article: Online fill up of Form A by the apartment owners (all or majority of the owners)

Format of Form E

Format of Forwarding Letter

The Competent Authority,
Housing Department,
Law and Statutory Cell,
1st Floor, ‘A’ Block,
New Secretariat Buildings,
1, Kiran Shankar Roy Road,
Kolkata – 700 001.

Subject: Submission of Form A under the West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act, 1972

Reference: AIN No. [Insert AIN Number] – Approval Date: [Insert Date of Approval]

Respected Sir,

This is to inform you that in connection with your approval dated …… in the edistrict portal for submission of Form A under the West Bengal Apartment Ownership Act, 1972, along with all the necessary documents for your kind perusal and approval, I, the Attorney, one of the apartment owner of the Residential Complex namely situated at  …………………………. submitting the Form A alongwith all Annexure and relevant documents for your kind perusal.


  • AIN No.: [Insert AIN Number]
  • Date of Approval: [Insert Date of Approval]

Enclosed with this letter are two original sets of Form A, authenticated copies of the building plan, site plan, completion certificate, identification documents of the declarants, and other required annexure.

I/We request you to kindly process the application and provide the necessary approvals at your earliest convenience.

Thank you !

Yours faithfully,

[Signature] [Name]

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