What is the main objective of Cooperative Housing Society in West Bengal?

objective of cooperative housing society

Introduction to Main Objective of Cooperative Housing Society in West Bengal:

The Cooperative Housing Society in West Bengal is a legal entity formed by a group of individuals who want to come together and own a property for residential purposes. The concept of a cooperative housing society is to provide affordable housing to its members, and the society is formed under the West Bengal Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. The primary objective of such societies is to facilitate the acquisition of land, construction of housing units, and the provision of necessary amenities such as water, electricity, and other infrastructure. These societies operate on the principle of democratic governance, where the members elect a managing committee that is responsible for the day-to-day management of the society. The managing committee has certain powers and limitations, and there is a dispute resolution mechanism in place to resolve conflicts. The objective of the Cooperative Housing Society is to promote the welfare and economic interests of its members, and it serves as a means of social welfare and empowerment.

The Concept of Cooperative Housing Society:

The concept of a cooperative housing society refers to a group of individuals who come together to jointly own, manage and maintain a residential property for their mutual benefit. Such societies are based on the principles of cooperation, mutual assistance, and democratic decision-making. Each member of the cooperative society has an equal say in the management and functioning of the society. The concept of a cooperative housing society is a popular one in West Bengal, where it is governed by the West Bengal Cooperative Societies Act, 2006. Under this act, a cooperative housing society is registered as a legal entity, and its members are required to comply with the rules and regulations laid down by the act. The objective of a cooperative housing society is to provide affordable housing to its members and promote a sense of community among them. The society is run by a managing committee elected by its members, which is responsible for the day-to-day management of the society.

Legal Framework for Cooperative Housing Societies in West Bengal:

Cooperative Housing Societies in West Bengal are governed by a legal framework that provides for their establishment, management, and dissolution. The West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 2006, and the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Rules, 2011, are the primary legislations that regulate cooperative housing societies in the state. These laws lay down the procedure for the formation of a cooperative housing society, the rights and duties of its members and managing committee, the conduct of meetings, the management and administration of the society, the audit and inspection of its accounts, and the dispute resolution mechanism. The legal framework also provides for the registration of cooperative housing societies with the Registrar of Co-operative Societies, who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the laws and regulations governing these societies. The legal framework is aimed at promoting the welfare of the members of the cooperative housing societies while ensuring their proper functioning in accordance with the law.

Objectives of Cooperative Housing Society in West Bengal:

The objectives of a cooperative housing society in West Bengal are multi-faceted. The primary objective is to provide affordable housing to its members by pooling their resources and using economies of scale to reduce costs. The cooperative housing society also aims to promote social welfare by providing a decent living environment and promoting a sense of community among its members.

Another objective of a cooperative housing society is to provide its members with a platform for collective action and decision-making. Through the democratic process, members can elect their representatives to the managing committee and participate in the decision-making process of the society. The society also aims to promote transparency and accountability by making its financial and operational information available to its members.

Furthermore, the cooperative housing society aims to promote the principles of cooperation, such as mutual self-help, self-responsibility, and democratic governance. It also aims to provide opportunities for the economic and social development of its members through various activities and programs.

The Role of Members in Achieving the Objectives of Cooperative Housing Society:

The members of a cooperative housing society play a crucial role in the functioning and success of the society. They are the ones who elect the managing committee, which is responsible for the day-to-day management of the society. The members have the power to vote on important issues affecting the society and can pass resolutions regarding the functioning of the society. They also have the power to remove the members of the managing committee if they are not fulfilling their duties properly.

Moreover, the members of a cooperative housing society in West Bengal are responsible for paying the maintenance charges and other fees required for the upkeep of the society. They are expected to contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the society and to participate actively in the decision-making process. By actively participating in the society’s affairs, members can ensure that their interests are protected, and the objectives of the society are achieved.

Benefits of Cooperative Housing Society in West Bengal:

The members of a cooperative housing society play a crucial role in the functioning and success of the society. They are the ones who elect the managing committee, which is responsible for the day-to-day management of the society. The members have the power to vote on important issues affecting the society and can pass resolutions regarding the functioning of the society. They also have the power to remove the members of the managing committee if they are not fulfilling their duties properly.

Moreover, the members of a cooperative housing society in West Bengal are responsible for paying the maintenance charges and other fees required for the upkeep of the society. They are expected to contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the society and to participate actively in the decision-making process. By actively participating in the society’s affairs, members can ensure that their interests are protected, and the objectives of the society are achieved.

Challenges Faced by Cooperative Housing Societies in West Bengal:

cooperative housing societies in West Bengal face several challenges. One of the primary challenges is the lack of awareness among the members of their rights and responsibilities. Due to this, some members may not actively participate in the decision-making process, leading to a lack of consensus and delays in important decisions. Another challenge is the misuse of power by the managing committee, which can lead to disputes and affect the functioning of the society.

Moreover, cooperative housing societies also face issues related to maintenance and repairs, as these require significant funds, and some members may not be willing to contribute their fair share. Additionally, the complex legal framework and bureaucratic procedures can also pose challenges, making it difficult for societies to obtain necessary permissions and approvals.

In addition, disputes may also arise between members or between the managing committee and members, which can impact the overall functioning of the society. Dispute resolution mechanisms can be time-consuming and costly, further exacerbating the challenges faced by cooperative housing societies in West Bengal.

The Importance of Cooperative Housing Society in West Bengal:

The cooperative housing society plays a crucial role in West Bengal by providing an affordable housing solution to the members of the society. The importance of cooperative housing society is highlighted by the fact that it promotes the concept of collective ownership and management of residential properties. It also facilitates the formation of a community of like-minded individuals who work towards common goals.

Furthermore, cooperative housing societies promote the concept of self-help, mutual aid, and cooperation among members, leading to the development of a sense of unity and social responsibility. Cooperative housing societies also help in the distribution of resources and opportunities, thereby fostering an equitable society.

Moreover, the cooperative housing society offers various benefits to its members, including reduced housing costs, access to shared resources, better management of the residential properties, and access to professional services. Therefore, the importance of the cooperative housing society in West Bengal cannot be overstated, and it is an essential element of the state’s housing policy.


In conclusion, Cooperative Housing Society in West Bengal is a legal entity that promotes affordable housing and community living for its members. The concept of a cooperative housing society is based on democratic decision-making and mutual assistance, with members having an equal say in the management and functioning of the society. The legal framework for cooperative housing societies in West Bengal lays down the procedure for their establishment, management, and dissolution. The objectives of cooperative housing societies in West Bengal include providing affordable housing, promoting social welfare, and empowering its members through collective action and decision-making. The success of cooperative housing societies in West Bengal depends on the active participation of its members, who have the power to vote on important issues affecting the society and ensure that their interests are protected. However, cooperative housing societies in West Bengal also face several challenges, including the lack of awareness among members of their rights and responsibilities, financial mismanagement, and conflicts between members

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